
Polar Express

Smokey: I am on the Polar Express on my way home to Milwaukee, we'll stopover in Red Lake, Ontario to visit Jeremy who just got back from Madgasacar.
Jeremy: It's been a long time, where you been?
Smokey: Were at the North Pole doing a story for Deaf Anthology.
Jeremy: You still writing those satiracal articles, you ought to work for the Onion. 
Smokey: You got everything you want?
Jeremy: Yes, Santa left us a lump of coals, we just had a power outrages, it comes in handy, and you?
Smokey: I only got one Christmas card this year from a local n local newspaper boy, everyone into social media nowadays.
Jeremy: We got a busy day ahead of us, getting a taste of Canadian life, snowmobiling under the northern lights and watching a hockey game, my nephews hopes to join the NHL someday.
Smokey: How is Madgascar?
Jeremy: Great movie!
Smokey: Seriously?
Jeremy: Our missionaries been reaching out to the tribes, giving them hope amid the pandamic.
Smokey: Keeping up with your friends at St. John's School for the Deaf?
Jeremy: Yes, visiting Kenny and one of the twin brothers, Daryl whenever I'm in the Chicago area. You?
Smokey: I sometimes get calls from their families asking me to send zoom video on their 50th birthday, willing to oblige!
Jeremy: I'm looking forward to seeing you in Madgascar soon let's get you back to the station.
Greg: All aboard, tickets please.
Smokey: What a surprise, long time, no see?
Greg: I guess I outgrown that HO set from Santa, where you heading?
Smokey: I am heading for the reunion of SJSD reunion at Deer Creek.
Greg: Great!
Smokey: I'm stopping over in Minneapolis to see Ryan.
Ryan: I got tickets to the Timberwolves game against the Bucks tonight.
Smokey: I knew it!
Ryan: We got beaten by the world champions!
Smokey: "Why are they chanting "Let's go Bucks?"
Ryan: You ain't good at lipreading, it's Brandon.
Smokey: I gotten go back to the station, Greg is waiting.
Ryan: I'll be at the reunion, see you there.
Greg: All aboard, tickets please.
Smokey: I'll take a nap, wake me up in Hartford.
Greg: We don't go to Connecticut, you'll need to take Amtrak.
Smokey: I meant Jeff and Steven farm in Wisconsin.
Greg: We got milk!
Smokey: They'll met me at the station with John Deere.
Greg: Who?
Smokey: The tractor!
Jeff and Steven: Welcome to our dairy farm. We'll wake you up at 5 am to milk the cows.
Smokey: I'm tired, gotten get back on the train. 
Jeff and Steven: You sure?
Smokey: I wouldn't want to stick around making fertilizers from manure.
Greg: You're back!
Smokey: A change of heart, my ferrets awaiting me.
Greg: Milwaukee, last stop.
Smokey: Mark texted me that they cancelled the reunion due to the coronavirus so I'll head straight to Chicago to take a flight back to Madagacar.
Greg: We got Corona beers here.
Smokey: Si!

This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America!

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