
Santa's Workshop

Smokey: We are still at Santa's Workshop at the North Pole. Our Deaf Elf giving us a tour.
Deaf Elf: Here is an old vintage TTY we got from Gallaudet where I was a computer programmer before Santa hires me to set it up here to communicate with Deaf children around the world.
Smokey: Great what does Deaf children ask for?
Deaf Elf: We got an archive full of requests, here is a stach of them from St. John's School for the Deaf in Milwaukee fifty years ago. 
Smokey: Let's read them:
1.  Marty wants a chess set and that his brother Peter be given swim lessons.
2.  Paul wants a baseball and a glove so he can play with his older brother Mark who is a shortstop in the Little League.
3, Greg wants a HO train set after visiting with a group hobbyists who set up a layout in a basement, he enclosed a clipping from the Sentinel.
4. Brady wants everything in the Sears catologue 
5. Ryan wanted a basketball and a Game Boy, Mike Walter confiscated them.
Deaf Elk: Everyone got candy canes, we put them in Zerkel's office to distribue them.
Smokey: Your elves been busy, do they get time off.
Deaf Elk: They got weekends off, but actually been putting in a lot of overtime ever since Toys R Us went out of business.
Smokey: Does Santa ever makes mistakes.
Deaf Elk: He once gave a Deaf child in Florida a tobaggan, it doesn't snow there. 
Smokey: Was there any problems on Christmas Eve?
Deaf Elf: We had a few incidents over the years like knocking out those HBO satellite dish. We had to get liabilty insurance as Santa been scratching solar panels on roofs. 
Smokey: And?
Deaf Elf: Santa once was escorted out of restricted air space over the White House by F-4 Phantom jets while trying to deliver toys to the President's children. 
Smokey: And?
Deaf Elf: A few burglar alarms goes off, my job is to notify the local police when Santa in the area.
Smokey: what is Santa's favorite thing on Christmas Eve.
Deaf Elf: Santa loves those eggnogs, can't resist the temptations.
Mrs. Claus: Santa will be a bit late, he is now reuniting families who were seperated at the border.
Smokey: That's great, perhaps he should be a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. you agreed?
Deaf Elf: I think a star on the Hollywood sidewalk will be enough. 
Smokey: Let's tour the rest of the workshop.
Deaf Elf: Your flight back home been cancelled, so here is the tickets to the Polar Express.
Smokey: Thanks, Merry Christmas!

This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America!

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