
Homo Audisticus

Aleksandr Zinovyev is a Russian socialogist who wrote a book, "Homo Sovieticus," a study of people mindset after the fall of the Soviet Union. I've see the documentary on a German network, Deutch World (DW) this morning. Homo has several different meanings, not just homosexuals but it's also use to describe milk and in this case, human beings, We are talking about humans with a particular mindset. I choose the photo above as our mindset is like a brick wall. Studies shown that generations are having difficulty adjusting to democracy because they grew up under communism. 
In other words, Homo Sovieticus are people lthat lives in an oppressive society adapting to a repressive regime and live with it. Younger generations were expose to Western way of life, and more willing to accept changes in a democracy society giving them hopes of a better life thats awaits them. Sometimes they revert back to their old ways. Habits are difficult to break, we all know that. The documentary were filmed in former Soviet republics from Latvia to Armenia interviewing people how they dealt with chaand live with it? What about "Homo Adusticus" which describes Deaf living under audism (society) and adapt to a repressive  AGBAD (regime) and live with it. It's the Deaf mindset, they wants to keep things as they are, unwilling to improve their livelihood, fearing that changes will disrupt their dependency on social welfare. It's the younger Deaf generations that now has the tools to change the world while at the same time preserving our Deaf culture. 
Let.s recap, -icus is a suffix an adjective of a noun. Sovieticus has the mindset of a life under communinism while Audisticus has a mindset of live under audism. In addition, Deaficus can be the mindset of a Cultural Deaf individual. This concept is open to debate. Perhaps Deaf socialogist and pychologists can collaberate in applying for grants to to do more research in this field. 
In conclusion, audisticus is a brick wall that to be torn down with a wrecking ball.

This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America

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