
Deaf Teen Suicide

The judge gave conservatorship of a Deaf teenager to a foster parent due to his behavioral and mental issues. According to the school distract, he has been skipping school and refuses to take regular speech classes. The judge heard from various experts who testified that the teenager couldn't function in our society due to lack of communication skills, social interaction and intellectual function. The deaf teenager committed suicide after receiving a cochlear-implant against his will. The Deaf parents are planning to filing a lawsuit against the state for wrongful death of their child. They argued that they never given up their parental rights when they were sentenced to six years in prison for possession of weeds (marijuana), and was never consulted nor involved in the decision-making process regarding their Deaf child affairs. Foster parents aren't fluent in ASL classes nor understood our Deaf culture, withdrawing their child from the state school for the Deaf, placing them with inexperience teachers in the mainstreamed program, forbidding him from having Deaf friends over or participating in local Deaf social events. 

"Our Deaf child is a victim of audism, his life cut short by our ignorant system."
                                                                                             Deaf Parents' statement
                                                                                           St. Augustine, Florida
This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America!

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