An eight years old Deaf child from Indiana wrote a letter to the North Pole.
Dear Santa,
Our house don't have a chimney, here is the key to our front door so you can enter and put the presents under our Christmas tree. I'll like a bicycle and a baseball glove so I can play with my friends.
The family just got home from grocery shopping.
Mom: "I lost the keys, can't find it in my purse."
Roger: "I send it to Santa Claus!"
Mom: "Why?"
Roger: "We don't have a chimney, how can we expect Santa going to get in with our presents?"
Mom: "I'm going to call in a locksmith and get new spare keys, we'll sit in the car and wait."
In the meantime, the mother went to "Toys and Tots" to pick up a few Chrstmas gifts since she can't afford them as the pandemic got her laid off. The mother knows her Deaf son, Roger, wanted a bike and a baseball glove but at least she was able to get a baseball and a bat along with a few other items but it's the least she could do. She also found a vintage Atari video game system at a neighbor's garage sale. She was disappointed that all the bicycles was gone before she arrive at the Marine base, her husband is overseas serving our country.
Christams Eve:
The mother was awaken by a loud noise and the Deaf son can feel the vibrations within its walls.
The mother assume there is a prowler in the househouse and was about to the police but Deaf son, Roger, was exciting and came into the bedroom and with delights told "Mom, I just saw Santa Claus leaving the rooftop!"
They went into the living room and there was a bicycle and a baseball glove under the tree.
Mom: "Where did that fireplace comes from?"
Roger: "Santa left a note."
Dear Roger:
I got your letter and I hope you like your new bike and baseball glove.
I won't be needing the key anymore since my elfs build a chimney for your home and the family can now stay warm and enjoy the holidays in front of the fireplace.
Tell your Mom I enjoy her pastries and have her send the recipes to Mrs Clause at the North Pole.
P.S. I left a few Yule logs.

This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America!
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