A Deaf Anthology journalist, Smokey, took an overnight flight to the North Pole to interview the Deaf Elf at Santa's Workshop.
Smokey: How are things at the North Pole?
Deaf Elf: It's a bit easier this year as hundreds of trailers full of toys are arriving everyday by diverting cargo ships off the coast of California. The Coast Guard assist us with their icebreaker creating a passage.
Smokey: Where is Santa?
Deaf Elf: Santa is in the basement checking the fuse box, we just installed solar panels on our roof to save energy, we'll be able to deplete our stockpiles of coal distributing them to naughty kids.
Smokey: I heard you are importing coals from West Virginia?
Deaf Elf: Yes, kid are restless these days due to the pandemic, they are michievious when there is a lockdown,
Smokey: Does Santa get a lot of letters from kids?
Deaf Elf: Their lists are shorter nowadays since Sears stop publishing the catologues.
Santa: I'll be right with you in a minute, I got to recharge Rudolph's red nose.
Deaf Elf: Let's take a tour of our new state of the arts facility, everything is automated, having to laid off some of our elves.
Smokey: Where are they now?
Deaf Elf: Will Ferrell hires them to work on a sequel.
Smokey: Why the cracks on the floor?
Deaf Elf: It was an old Soviet submarine that attempts to rise to the surface, we found the periscope in the bathroom.
Santa: I'm taking a break, you guys wants to join us at the bar, we're having snowcones?
Deaf Elf: We'll be there!
Smokey: Santa, whose autographed photo on the wall?
Santa: That's Peary, we met over a hundred years ago.
Smokey: You're fluent in ASL, where you learn it?
Santa: I was in America doing an ad for Coca-Cola, that's where I met the Deaf Elf.
Smokey: Any messages for the Deaf children around the world?
Santa: Yes, leave out the eggnogs, behave yourselves and don't keep your parents up all night!
Deaf Elf: You can keep tracking Santa around the world using at this website.
Santa: One more thing, keep the chimney clear, don't be burning your yule logs yet.
Deaf Elf, the sleigh is ready to go, the reindeers are fed and it's now Christmas Eve.
Smokey: Thanks, had a great time here, our Deaf children around the world are looking forward to waking up in the morning to play with toys you left under their trees.
Deaf Elf: I filed the flight plan with the FAA, they want you to wear a mask while airbourn, it's the mandate.
Santa: Got my booster shot last week, I hope the parents do the same, keeping our children safe.
Smokey: That's it Deaf America, enjoy the holidays!
This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America!
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