
Father and Son

Here's this little Deaf boy in the backyard trying to do everything himself putting his new bicycle together and still haven't gotten anywhere after all day working at it while his father was watching and mentioned to his son that he's not using all his strength, but he replied, "Yes I am." Once again the father repeated, "You're not using all your strength." The Deaf son became angry and threw a wretch, signing back, "I know what I'm doing and I ain't giving up without an effort." The father once again repeated, "You're not using all your strength..." knowing that he'll never complete his task, "...because you didn't ask for my help." The Deaf son agreed to accept his offer and was able to finish the project together before dinner. That gives us a message that we often try to do things our own ways, solving our own problem and life would be easier if we could take a moment to pray, asking God to give us strength. 

This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America!

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