

Police have taken into custody a former waitress of an Italian restaurant next to Gallaudet, accused of credit card fraud, a felony, after receiving several complaints from students of unauthorized charges on their account. The waitress complains to the judge that Gallaudet students who frequented her restaurant never leaves a tip, and that she is struggling to make ends meet as a single mother of two. The waitress was released on probation, and ordered to pay a restitution to all those affected. Detectives noted that the waitress always add the tip to the credit card bill without the students' knowledge and this been going on for years.  Most Deaf don't even bother to check their monthly statements nor the receipts they signed. University officials are planning to add "tipping" workshops in their orientation program for the incoming Freshmen in the fall.

This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America.

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