

A Milwaukee squad car pull over a Deaf driver wearing a GMAD jersey, radioed for an interpreter, causing the Deaf driver to be almost late for the game. The sheriff told the Deaf driver, "you been going 65 mph in a 45 mph zone." Deaf driver replied that he is a pitcher on a GMAD baseball team and in a hurry. The sheriff told him to get out of the car and told him to pitch the ball while he aim the radar gun; "If you can pitch faster than the speed you were going (65 mph), I'll not write you up." The Deaf driver pitch was clocked at 82 mph and was then was given a warning. He took himself out of the game that night when he noticed the umpire was the sheriff himself. What a coincident!

This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America.

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