

There is a lot of Deaf cowboys out there, but most of us never rode a horse, we just wear their jeans, a symbol of America seen around the globe, in Western movies, Marlboro ads, line dancing and in bars playing cards. Now lets get down to business, we Deaf urban dwellers tends to wear Levi because we are Democrats and those Deaf in the rural areas tends to wear Wranglers because they are Republicans. Our nation is divided into Red and Blue states, and that believe it or not, politics does influence consumers' taste, and that includes boardroom decision making where Levi tends to be more liberal, supporting gun control, etc. Wrangler is just the opposite, being more conservative. It just can't be, why don't you take a poll yourself at the next Deaf gathering, asking them their political affiliation to see if their jeans matches, then you'll understand what I mean.
Source: WSJ (11/20/20) 

This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episode of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America!

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