(Fictional, it's actually a Florida Firefox cap)
Deaf child actor Zade Garcia is the hearing mute patient that uses ASL in an episode of the Good Doctor..
There is a new Deaf doctor on the hospital staff on Grey's Anatomy. Deaf actress Shoshannah Stern as Dr. Lauren Riley.
An in-depth video discussion on the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic. (ASL)
A Deaf journalist reporting from the field in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma leaving a path of destruction throughout Florida.
1. During Hurricane Irma, ____________ trucks are out on the roads restoring electricity.
2. High winds are knocking down ____________.
3. Pumps at ____________ are wrapped around.
4. You must stay at home during a __________.
5. You need a ____________ during a blackout.
6. You need to stock up on ____________ and water bottles.
7. You may stay at a local ____________.
8. There are no ____________ on the turnpikes.
9. You need to carry plenty of __________ in your wallet just in case you had to evacuate the area with all the ATMs being out of order.
10. Stay away from the ____________ during a hurricane.
gas stations
1. 120 MPH Category ______
2. 75 MPH Category ______
3. 150 MPH Category ______
4. 105 MPH Category ______
5. 115 MPH Category ______
6. Category 2 ___ - ___ MPH
7. Category 5 ___ - ___ MPH
8. Category 3 ___ - ___ MPH
9. Category 1 ___ - ___ MPH
10. Category 4 ___ - ___ MPH
Answers available Monday, September 14,,2020
There is a new bridge in the central mountains of Vietnam held up with a pair of hands.
This is Smokey stay tuned for the next episodes of Deaf Anthology, Good Night Deaf America!
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