

The Cobra is a helicopter gunship used during the Vietnam War, now on display at a local veteran park. 

One of the reasons why the Deaf didn't get the jobs they applied for is because they don't do well at interviews.
Here is an example:
"Why does the second mouse always gets what he wants?"

Deaf:    "Why are you asking me, it doesn't make any sense?"

Boss:   "Obviously you don't have problem solving skills, we only hire those who can think. The first mouse got trapped, the second got the cheese."

It's calm after the storm, great scenery crossing an inlet toward the ocean.
The National Veteran Art Museum is in Chicago and one of its major exhibition are the thousands of dog tags hanging from the ceiling in the lobby which is a memorial to all those who sacrificed their lives during the Vietnam conflict. 
There is a Deaf couple that hailed down a cab in Manhattan that happens to be the "Cash Cab," a popular cable program where the driver gives out cash if you answered the trivia questions correctly. At first, the producers offered them a free ride to their destination but the Deaf couple declined the offer, willing to participate, while texting to cancel their dinner reservation. Taping were delayed to await the arrival of an interpreter. It was agreed on the spot that there will be no questions related to music, so to be fair. If the interpreter is uncertified, I guarantee you won't win as much money.  Will the interpreter demand her share? If you get three strikes, you are left out in the cold but interpreter still gets paid regardless of the outcome. Anyway, the Deaf couple was stuck in heavy rush hour traffic, meaning more red light bonuses, earning as much as they can en route to a popular Italian restaurant at the edge of town. Deaf were able to answer all the questions correctly without shout outs nor texting a friend. They won a few thousands, enough to put down a deposit on a new car. Actually bought two for themselves, after doubling their money. The cash cab will be returning for another season, check your local cable listing.

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