
Deaf - ish

Let's tackle a tough new subject, Deaf - ish, a new popular culture word I want to introduce to our vocabulary.  In our popular culture, Black - ish is a new  ABC television sitcom involving an African -American family dealing with the same sociopolitical issues that we Deaf are struggling with. Let's get into some details here, -ish is a suffix that identified the language and country we come from, such as being from England, speaking English. Same with being from Spain, speaking Spanish. Those Deafish MSSD are our bitter football rivals. The second definition is an adjective describing what it looks he looks like which can be used this way in a sentence: That guy is a foolish spending all his life savings on gambling. In our case we can use the word Deafish this way: That Deafish interpreter's Deaf parents are on the cruise with us. The third definition is a little more difficult used this way: The meeting will start at sixish (around six o'clock), Food will be served at eight, "Deafish time" Deafish to me is a Deaf thing!

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