
NYT: Between Sound and Silence

I'm beginning to wonder if AGB taken over the New York Times, spreading its propaganda, doing a disservice to my Deaf brother and hundreds of Deaf linotypists who work tirelessly to get "all the news that's fit to print," beating the deadline, rolling the press, and get it to the newsstands at the crack of dawn. I just came across a pro-CI NYT video, our Deaf culture being bombarded with misinformation on every mass media outlets out there such as films and television, newspapers, and now social media. If you got money, you got the power and with that, you can influences anybody. Are fair and balance reporting a thing of the past, they know that being stirred up in drama is what keeping them in business in this digital age. Check out this NYT pro-CI video promoting oralism. It appears audism dominates its editorial board, where is neutrality, fair and balance reporting, the lost art of journalism.  

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