
Dorm Tales: Nightmares

A Deaf boy was having nightmares of being lead down the aisle on Death Row, accused of a crime he didn't commit, with a priest reciting  the Bible walking alongside him. Inmates on both sides cheer him on. The door opened, they strapped him to the electric chair, being fitted with a headgear,  he start screaming as the executor behind a thick glass panel pulls the switch. A night dormitory supervisor awaken him, pointing out that there are no dinosaurs, assuming it's the same nightmares, comforting him, allowing him to the bubbler, and leaving the nightlight on. In the morning, once again, he's being lead down the aisle of his dorm, only this time with a teacher. Dorm mates on both sides cheer him on. The door opened, there is that familiar sight, thought he was being punished,  once again being fitted with a headgear, start screaming as the audiologist behind a thick glass panel pulls the switch. The audiologist had to rescheduled the test, write a note to his dormitory supervisor suggesting that his television viewing be monitored.

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